Jonathan Brody
NowSecure protects and ensures compliance of mobile applications, for organizations that understand today their mobile channel, and the revenue and reputation it carries, is essential for growth, yet imperiled by vulnerabilities and compliance failures. I am proud to be a part of this company helping enterprise IT leaders manage this unmanaged risk.
Jon has had a twenty plus year winning streak of accelerating enterprise b2b startups from idea to category leadership. Jon led marketing at enterprise cybersecurity companies including Sygate (acq. Symantec), TriCipher (acq. VMware), Tenable (IPO), and most recently Endgame (acq. Elastic) and more recently, in supply chain risk management ( In a time of unprecedented technology driven innovation, Jon has led teams that mastered shifts in positioning, packaging, delivery, buying and selling strategies, achieving brand awareness, thought leadership and revenue growth to create category leaders..