The depth and scope of NowSecure Platform testing gives customers assurance that their mobile AppSec programs meet the highest industry standard.

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Calculate Your Own Business Value

Use our value mapping tool below to model and understand your mobile appsec coverage gaps and inefficiencies. See how to cost effectively scale your mobile appsec program while simultaneously reducing risk.

Improve Mobile AppSec Coverage
With NowSecure

Visualize your current mobile appsec program tools, test frequency and test coverage. Then see how to close those gaps with NowSecure solutions.

Without NowSecure With NowSecure

Traditional slow, late stage security testing cannot keep pace with dev

  • Fast moving release teams can cut corners on security testing & remediation, driving up defect escape rates
  • Late stage security testing can delay releases for test, remediation & re-test cycles
  • Thousands of false positives slows progress, frustrates dev and sec teams
  • Lack of embedded remediation instructions slows mean time to repair

Gaps in test coverage and frequency exposes business to real risk

  • No time to perform 1-2 week pen tests on each build or release
  • Web testing tools miss mobile-specific attack vectors
  • SAST only covers 30-40% of real world issues
  • DAST only covers 30-40% of real world issues
  • Source code testing tools lack coverage for all mobile languages

Manual, fragmented, error prone tasks drive up costs

  • Swivel chair tasks across multiple, non-integrated tools slows productivity
  • Lack of secure coding skills by mobile developers increases security issue frequency, remediation time and costs
  • Lack of embedded remediation instructions slows mean time to repair, driving up costs
  • Complexity of mobile pen testing vs. web drives up time and costs

Scale Mobile App Security Coverage to Match Business Velocity

  • All-in-One automated SAST/DAST/IAST & API Sec for test coverage of every build & release
  • Security automation for high frequency security testing & remediation
  • Pen Testing as a Service for continuous automated & expert testing for best coverage
  • Seamless integration into dev pipeline tools for fast feedback & workflow productivity
  • High accuracy testing with embedded remediation for faster mean time to repair

Deliver Higher Quality Mobile Apps

  • Extend existing dev, ops & QA automation with security automation in pipeline
  • Leverage security training & embedded remediation to write better code
  • Improve depth, coverage & frequency to close gaps in mobile app security
  • iIdentify & fix mobile security issues earlier in the pipeline
  • Capture & remediate more security issues to reduce defect escape rate

Drive Efficiency Throughout Your Mobile Program

  • Consolidate spend into an all-in-one SAST/DAST/IAST/API Sec solution
  • Continuous testing eliminates costly manual labor & release delays
  • Automation, training & embedded remediation improves productivity
  • Integration into dev pipeline workflows speeds flow & releases
  • Lower costs by optimizing security performance in the pipeline

Mobilize Faster at Lower Cost & Risk
With NowSecure

See how NowSecure automation, expertise and training deliver 3 significant
pillars of value to your organization as compared to your current mobile program.

Intelligent Security Automation Speeds Releases

  • Proactive policy config aligns dev & sec, eliminating wasted time
  • Fast continuous security testing in pipeline removes manual & late stage testing delays
  • Auto-generated tickets w/ embedded remediation & code samples speeds fixes
  • Guided Testing adds high frequency, expert testing to close coverage gaps at DevSecOps speed

Intelligent Security Automation Speeds Releases

  • Consolidated all-in-one SAST/DAST/Pen Testing reduces overall testing time
  • Proactive policy config across all testing aligns dev & sec, eliminating wasted time
  • Auto-generated tickets w/ embedded remediation & code samples speeds fixes
  • Guided Testing adds high frequency, expert testing to close coverage gaps at DevSecOps speed

Efficient Security Automation Reduces Costs

  • All-in-one SAST/DAST/Pen Testing & training solution reduces vendor, config & admin costs
  • Automated, accurate security testing for fast feedback loops boosts productvitiy
  • Proactive training & embedded ticket remediation reduces coding & repair costs
  • 4 Guided Tests for less than the cost of single outsourced pen test

Efficient Security Automation Reduces Costs

  • All-in-one SAST/DAST/Pen Testing & training solution reduces vendor, config & admin costs
  • Consolidated testing results fed to dev boosts productivity
  • Proactive training & embedded ticket remediation reduces coding & repair costs
  • 4 Guided Tests for less than the cost of single outsourced pen test

Accurate Security Automation Reduces Risk

  • Deploy automated mobile security controls to ensure policy compliance
  • Continous testing of every build to find & fix more issues before release
  • Automating DAST finds mobile issues like storage & network missed by SAST
  • PTaaS enables more frequent testing of non-automatable risk areas

Accurate Security Automation Reduces Risk

  • Deploy automated mobile security controls to ensure policy compliance
  • Continous testing of every build to find & fix more issues before release
  • All-in-one SAST+DAST for maximum accuracy & coverage
  • PTaaS enables more frequent testing of non-automatable risk areas

Accurate Security Automation Reduces Risk

  • Deploy automated mobile security controls to ensure policy compliance
  • Continous testing of every build to find & fix more issues before release
  • Automating DAST finds mobile issues like storage & network missed by SAST
  • Unify automated & pen testing in single platform to centrally manage risk

The Right Value
Right Now

NowSecure continuous security automation, services and training powers maximum efficiency and value for your mobile appsec program.

< $40/day

Avg. daily cost per mobile app for NowSecure continuous automated testing

< $90/day

Avg. daily cost per mobile app for NowSecure continuous PTaaS

NowSecure continuously monitors the Habit Mastery app for security and privacy vulnerabilities and gives it a clean bill of health, providing our users with confidence that their data is secure while they build and maintain positive habits.”
Sharon Lipinski CEO and Founder
NowSecure Platform automates security testing throughout our DevSecOps pipeline from the build process all the way to issues ticketing.”
Dmytro Bezpalyi Security Engineer, Camelot Lottery Solutions
NowSecure has been a huge benefit because it saves a lot of time and gives us peace of mind knowing we have continuous testing coverage.”
Joe DiMarzio Senior Product Security Engineer
One of the best things about moving to NowSecure is not having to fan through a 110-page security audit to figure out what bugs and security issues you need to address.”
Eric Caron Senior Director of IT Solutions
We reached out to NowSecure and were pleased that they rapidly responded in 24 hours to test our mobile app so we could speed it to market from start to finish in just a few weeks.”
Vicki Seyfert-Margolis CEO
It’s a significant relief for the team when an independent third party like NowSecure tests the app and certifies that both the code and the DevOps side of our production implementation are secure.”
Avi Elkoni CTO
We rarely get things that are ready to go out of the box, but when we received the NowSecure solution, we were up and running the same day.”
Derrick Smith CEO, NSight365
Unless you have infinite time and money and can hire your own team of penetration testers, then NowSecure is an absolutely incredible solution for testing your mobile apps for security vulnerabilities.
IT security analyst, credit union
NowSecure Platform helps reassure our enterprise customers that we’re effectively managing risk.
Brandon Hall, Director of Engineering, EveryoneSocial